
The Accident

November 09, 2014

A few times in our lives a single day redefines everything. Mine was a day this past summer when I was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident.

After some time in the hospital, seven broken ribs, and a broken ankle and shoulder, life has been redefined. Believe it or not, I rarely took much for granted before, but now I have an even deeper appreciation for my wife, my family, and almost everyone around me.

It’s taken four months to recover, which sometimes felt like a lifetime.  And through it all, I’ve become acutely aware of just how much of our daily lives we take for granted: even small feats like getting out of a chair, or fetching your own glass of water.  In fact, just being able to walk again occasionally fills me with such gratitude that I have to stop and absorb it.

It’s been a rough road.  And not surprisingly I find myself different from the man I was before the accident.  My intent now is to be a product of so much of the wisdom we all see and hear around us.  Let go of the little things (they’re little for a reason).  Smile.  Breathe.  Laugh.  Smell the flowers and play with your children.  Count every day you have with those you care about, because tomorrow we may just find out that today…was our last chance.

It’s true about what they say, what doesn’t kill us making us stronger.  I think I’m a better man because of that fateful day.  Who knows, maybe I’ll find I’m a better writer too.

Thank you for reading.

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